Các cuộc tấn công luẩn quẩn sẽ gây ra Internet để làm tan chảy xuống, và tất cả các relatedproblems phần mềm độc hại sẽ biến mất trong vòng thời gian một năm. Trong thực tế, có phép thuật duy nhất không có giải pháp phần mềm độc hại. | Chapter 11 WHAT SHOULD WE DO A book of this nature would not be complete without some kind of prediction about the future of malware. Such predictions share the distinguished quality of being invariably wrong so this prediction will cover a wide range of scenarios. Vicious cyberattacks will cause the Internet to melt down and all malware-related problems will disappear within a year s time. In reality there is no magic single solution to malware. And if there was be assured that a bread-crumb trail of patents would cover every part of it. Current and foreseeable defenses are but a house of cards. They are based on assumptions about typical malware behavior and assumptions about malware writers which dramatically underestimate them. One violation of the assumptions and the house of cards comes tumbling down defenders left scrambling to prop it up again. What is clear is that no human intervention is possible in some attacks due to their speed. More automatic countermeasures are needed not necessarily to stop malware completely - there is no such thing as absolute security after all - but slowing malware down to a manageable rate would be valuable in itself. As for malware detection it is an undecidable problem. No perfect solution is possible and the only way to tackle such a problem is with heuristics. Heuristics rules of thumb are fallible. In other words a technical arms race rages on between attackers and defenders. Whether or not the race is winnable is immaterial now the finish line is still far off. Many excellent defensive steps that can be taken are not very technical at all though Plan B. Organizations and to some extent individual computer users must have a plan for disaster recovery. What happens when defenses fail and malware strikes Can machines be rebuilt data be restored 202 COMPUTER VIRUSES AND MALWARE Education. A broad view of education must be taken. Users must be educated to harden them to social engineering attacks but education can t stop .