Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: A new Robertsonian translocation in Blonde d’Aquitaine cattle, rob(4;10) | DEC. 1993 Genet Sei Evol 1993 25 413-419 Elsevier INRA . . Département de Génétlque Animate 413 BIBLIOTHÈQUE F- 78352 JOUY EN JOSAS Original article A new Robertsonian translocation in Blonde d Aquitaine cattle rob 4 10 I Bahri-Darwich1 EP Cribiu1 HM Berland2 R Darré2 1 INRA Laboratoire de Génétique Biochimique et de Cytogénétique Centre de Recherches de Jouy-en-Josas 78350 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex 2 École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse URA-INRA de Cytogénétique des Populations 23 Chemin des Capelies 31076 Toulouse Cedex France Received 22 February 1993 accepted 1 July 1993 Summary - The cytogenetic study of a population of Blonde d Aquitaine cattle revealed the presence of a Robertsonian translocation. The chromosomes involved in this abnormality were determined using G GTG R RBG and c CBG banding techniques. The chromosomes in question were identified as chromosomes 4 and 10. The existence of 2 paternal half-sisters carrying the abnormality suggests that it originates from the sire. cattle chromosome Robertsonian translocation Resume Une nouvelle translocation chez les bovins Blonde d Aquitaine rob 4 10 . L etude cytogénétique d une population de bovins Blonde d Aquitaine a permis de trouver une nouvelle translocation robertsonienne. Les chromosomes impliqués dans Cette anomalie ont été determines à I aide des techniques de marquage G GTG R RBG et c CBG . Les chromosomes concemés sont le 4 et le 10. L existence de deux vaches porteuses demi-sceurs de père indique une origine vraisemblablement patemelle de I anomalie. bovin chromosome translocation robertsonienne INTRODUCTION Robertsonian translocations are the most commonly reported chromosome anomalies in cattle the most widespread is the 1 29 translocation detected for the first time by Gustavsson and Rockborn 1964 and reported later with high frequency in numerous breeds worldwide Popescu 1977 Popescu and Pech 1991 . The 1 29 translocation is widespread in the Blonde d Aquitaine breed since the .