Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Distribution of the copia transposable element in the repleta group of Drosophila | Genet Sei Evol 1993 25 501-516 Elsevier INRA . . Département de Gónáỉiọue Animate BIBLIOTHỀQUE F-78352 JOUY EN JOSAS MJANV. 1394 501 Original article Distribution of the copia transposable element in the repleta group of Drosophila o Francino o Cabre A Fontdevila ưniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona Departament de Genètica i de Microbiologia 08193 Bellaterra Barcelona Spain Received 28 April 1992 accepted 5 August 1993 Summary - The occurrence of the copia transposable element in 18 species of the repleta group of Drosophila has been studied using the Southern technique. The homologous sequence of copia was detected either with radioactive or non-radioactive nucleic acid detection systems as a pattern of multiple bands in species of the mercatorum and mulleri subgroups. Nevertheless this sequence was not detected in the hydei subgroup. The intraspecific polymorphism in the pattern of bands indicates that this sequence is likely to be mobile. Some of the results could suggest the existence of restriction polymorphism of the copia homologous sequence in D koepjerae populations. The partial sequencing of 2 independent clones isolated from D buzzatii clearly establishes that these elements are related and are likely to be the same. copia transposable element Drosophila repleta group Resume Distribution de 1 élément transposable copia dans le groupe repleta de la drosophile. La presence de relement copia a été recherchse dans 18 espèces de drosophiles du groupe repleta par la technique de Southern. Plusieurs bandes ont été détectées dans les sous-groupes mercatorum et mulleri à I aide de sondes radioactives et non radioactives. En revanche aucune sequence n a été décelée dans le sous-groupe hydei. Le polymorphisms intraspecifique de la position des bandes indique que ces sequences sont vraisemblablement mobiles. Chez D koepferae il existe un polymorphisms des sites de restriction de la sequence homologue copia. Enfin la sequence partielle obtenue pour 2 clones