Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Selection of allozyme genotypes of two species of marine gastropods (genus Littorina) in experiments of environmental stress by nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures | Genet. Sei. Evol. 1989 21 295-302 Elsevier INRA 295 Original article Selection of allozyme genotypes of two species of marine gastropods genus Littorina in experiments of environmental stress by nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures E. Nevo and B. Lavie University of Haifa Institute of Evolution Mt Carmel Haifa Israel received 25 January 1989 accepted 5 May 1989 Summary - Two marine gastropods Littorina punctata and L. neritoides were exposed in laboratory experiments to the controlled environmental stress of pollution by detergent and by crude oil-detergent mixtures in aqueous solutions. The allozyme frequencies of phosphoglucose isomerase PGI were tested in both species and amino-peptidase AP only in L. neritoides. Our results indicate differential survivorship of allozyme genotypes for both species both types of pollution and both enzymes observed. These results indicate the sensitivity of allozymes to environmental stress reflect the adaptive nature of some allozymes and support the idea that allozymes could be used as detectors of organic pollutants in the sea. selection - organic pollution - allozyme polymorphism - marine gastropod Resume - Selection de genotypes allozymes chez deux espèces de gastéropodes marins genre Littorina dans des expériences de stress environnemental par un detergent non ionique et par ses melanges avec des huiles brutes. Deus gastéropodes marins Littorina punctata et L. neritoides ont été exposes en laboratoire des stress environnementaux correspondant à une pollution par un dệtergent et par ses melanges avec des huiles brutes en solutions acqueuses. Les frequences des allozymes de la phosphoglucose-isomerase PG I ont été testées chez les deux espèces et celles de I amino-peptidase AP chez L. neritoides seulement. Les résultats indiquent une survivance differentielle des differents genotypes pour les deux espèces pour les deux types de pollution et pour les deux enzymes étuẫiées. Ces résultats indiquent que les .