Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Sequential GTG-RBA banding pattern in prometaphase chromosomes of cattle | Genet Sei Evol 1991 23 273-279 Elsevier INRA 273 Original article Sequential GTG-RBA banding pattern in prometaphase chromosomes of cattle Bos taurus L D Di Berardino1 MB Lioi2 D Matassino1 1 ưniversità degli Studi di Napoli Dipartimento di Scienza della Produzione Animate 80055 Portici Naples 2 Università degli Studi della Basilicata Istituto di Produzione Animate Facolta di Agraria 85100 Potenza Italy Received 14 November 1990 accepted 17 April 1991 Summary - A sequential GTG-RBA banding procedure performed for the first time on the same prometaphase chromosomes of cattle is presented with the aim of establishing correlations between G and R bands. The results of the present investigation contributed to the establishment of new standard GTG and RBA-banded karyotypes at prometaphase level useful for the precise identification of chromosomal abnormalities comparative cytogenetics and gene mapping in the species Bos taurus L. sequential banding GTG-bands RBA-bands I standardization I cattle Resume - Une nouvelle technique de mise en evidence séquentielle des bandes G et R sur les chromosomes prométaphasiques du bovin Bos taurus L . Une nouvelle technique de mise en evidence séquentielle de bandes G et R est presentee pour la premiere fois sur les chromosomes prométaphasiques du bovin dans le but d etablir des correlations entre les bandes G et R. Les résultats de cette étude ont contribué à 1 établissement de nouveaux caryotypes standards en bandes G et R au niveau prométaphasique. Cette étude est utile pour I identification precise des anomalies chromosomiques pour les etudes de cytogénétique comparée et pour la localisation des genes de Bos taurus. bandes séquentielles bandes G bandes R standardisation bovin Correspondence and reprints 274 D Di Berardino et al INTRODUCTION The Reading conference on the standardization of banded karyotypes of domestic animals Ford et al 1980 undoubtedly one of the most important steps in the history of animal cytogenetics provided