Họ là những kinh nghiệm liên quan đến sự kiện của thế giới bên ngoài, ví dụ, sự tồn tại của hàng hóa và đơn đặt hàng của họ, kinh nghiệm liên quan đến sự kiện nội bộ của một nhân vật, chẳng hạn như sự tồn tại của nhu cầu của con người và liên quan đến hậu quả của thực tế này, | Preface to the German Edition Misunderstandings about the nature and significance of economics are not due exclusively to antipathies arising from political bias against the results of inquiry and the conclusions to be necessarily drawn from them. Epistemology which for a long time was concerned solely with mathematics and physics and only later began to turn its attention to biology and history as well is presented with apparently insuperable difficulties by the logical and methodological singularity of economic theory. These difficulties stem for the most part from an astonishing unfamiliarity with the fundamental elements of economics itself. When a thinker of Bergson s caliber whose encyclopedic mastery of modern science is virtually unparalleled expresses views that show he is a stranger to a basic concept of economics 1 one can well imagine what the present situation is with regard to the dissemination of knowledge of that science. Under the influence of Mill s empiricism and psychologism logic was not prepared for the treatment of the problems that economics presents to it. Moreover every attempt at a satisfactory solution was frustrated by the inadequacy of the objective theory of value then prevailing in economics. Nevertheless it is precisely to this epoch that we owe the most valuable contributions to the elucidation of the problems of the scientific theory of economics. For 1Bergson on exchange et l on ne peut le pratiquer sans s à-tre demandé si les deux objects échangés sont bien de même valeur c est-dire échangeables contre un même troisieme. Bergson Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion Paris 1932 p. 68. lxxi Ixxii Epistemological Problems of Economics the successful treatment of these questions Senior John Stuart Mill and Cairnes satisfied in the highest degree the most important prerequisite they themselves were economists. From their discussions which are set in the framework of the psychologistic logic prevailing at that time emerged .