nâng cao lòng tự trọng "bởi vì ông cảm thấy" bên trong một với chúa tể của mình, gia đình của mình, và sự lộng lẫy của họ. "58 lòng tự trọng mà Vierkandt theo quan điểm cho thấy, do đó, như không có gì nhiều hơn so với niềm tự hào của một sự nịnh hót. | Sociology and History 125 in compensation for which however the inner sun of self-consciousness which diffuses a nobler splendor rises And according to Mougeolle there is a law of altitudes namely that in the course of history the city is increasingly forced down into flat land by the mountains and a law of latitudes to the effect that civilization has always moved from the tropics toward the In these laws too we find all the shortcomings that attach to every theory of historical stages. The causa movens of the changes is not shown and the accuracy of the geographical concepts that they contain cannot conceal the fact that for the rest they are based on ideal-typical constructions and indeed on such as are uncertain and therefore unusable like world history and civilization. But still more serious by far is the fact that without any hesitation they leap from the statement of the law of location to a volition uniquely determined by it. Becher accounts as follows for his opinion that the possibility of historical laws cannot be denied in principle One did not want to admit historical laws as such because they are of a secondary reducible and derivative nature. This rejection rests upon an unsuitable narrowly conceived notion of law which if applied consistently to the natural sciences would compel us to deny the title of natural laws to many relationships that everyone designates as such. For most of the laws of natural science . the laws of Kepler the laws of wave theory concerning resonance interference and so on and the geometric-optical laws of the effect of concave mirrors and lenses are of a secondary and derivative character. They can be traced back to more fundamental laws. The laws of nature are no more all ultimate irreducible or fundamental than they are all elementary . laws of elementary not complex if this designation is quite generally conferred on numerous laws of natural science which are neither fundamental .