15 Tuy nhiên, việc tăng giá như vậy không bao gồm tất cả các hàng hóa và độ lớn thực sự của họ đã được giảm bớt bởi các phong trào tỷ giá hối đoái, đặc biệt là đồng đô la Mỹ. Hơn nữa, trong khi thị trường có khả năng vẫn tăng trưởng mạnh trong trung hạn, | 66 Making Globalization Work for the Least Developed Countries core competencies which are the routine knowledge skills and information to operate established facilities or use existing agricultural land including production management quality control repair and maintenance of physical capital and marketing. dynamic capabilities which refer to the ability to build and reconfigure compe- tencies to increase Technological innovation in industrial policy is a potentially significant process for LDCs. Positive spillovers from industrial policy and innovation are important for growth and dynamism in the agricultural sector just as in the very early crucial stages of development when agricultural surpluses were important for industrialization. productivity competitiveness and profitability and to address a changing external environment of supply and demand. The effective acquisition of foreign technologies depends on the development of these competences and capabilities. It is important that R D is an integral part of these capabilities since it is insufficient on its own. For example design and engineering capabilities are particularly important for upgrading facilities or establishing new ones. In contrast with technological learning technological innovation occurs when enterprises apply knowledge commercially and introduce new products on the market or make significant technological improvements in existing products and processes. Innovation occurs when an enterprise introduces a product process or method which is new to them even if it is not new to the country or to the world. The enterprise firm or farm is the locus of innovation and technological learning. But firms and farms are embedded within a broader set of institutions which play a major role in these processes. In advanced countries national innovation systems have been established to promote R D and link it more effectively to processes of innovation. In LDCs what matters most are the domestic knowledge .