portwine hệ thống tĩnh mạch sâu varicosities dị tật trên bề mặt xương và mô mềm phì đại (Parkes-Weber với lỗ rò AV) lentigines loạn dưỡng lipid một phần gia đình-u niêm tâm nhĩ niêm mạc myxomas xanh nevi sắc tố của móng tay miệng và sắc tố môi fibromatosis chân (tương tự chân co cứng Dupuytren) | Dermatology Pearls 189 Kindler syndrome blistering in infancy photosensitivity progressive poikiloderma Klinefelter s syndrome hypogonadism gynecomastia eunuchoidism small absent testicles elevated gonadotropins Klippel-Feil syndrome low posterior scalp hairline extending onto shoulders short neck cervical vertebrae are fused Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome port-wine deep venous system malformation superficial varicosities bony and soft tissue hypertrophy Parkes-Weber with AV fistula Kobberlin-Dunnigan syndrome LAMB syndrome NAME familial partial lipodystrophy lentigines atrial myxoma mucocutaneous myxomas blue nevi Laugier-Hunziker syndrome pigmentation of the nails buccal and lip pigmentation Ledderhose s syndrome plantar fibromatosis plantar analog of Dupuytren s contracture 190 Pocket Guide for Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery LEOPARD syndrome Lentigines EKG abnormalities Ocular hypertelorism Pulmonary stenosis Abnormalities of genitalia Retardation of growth Mental deficiency Lesch-Nyhan syndrome childhood hyperuricemia choreoathetosis progressive mental retardation self-mutilation deficiency of HGPRT Leser-Trelat syndrome sudden onset of numerous seborrheic keratosis associated with malignancy Loeffler s syndrome patchy infiltrate of lungs and eosinophilia may complicate creeping eruption larva migrans Lofgren s syndrome sarcoid may appear with fever polyarthralgias uveitis bilateral hilar adenopathy fatigue erythema nodosum Louis-Barr s syndrome Maffucci s syndrome ataxia-telangiectasia multiple vascular malformations with dyschondroplasia Dermatology Pearls 191 MAGIC syndrome Behget s disease relapsing polychondritis mouth and genital and inflamed cartilage Mal de Meleda syndrome stocking-glove distribution of hyperkeratosis no dental abnormalities Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome cerebellar ataxia mental retardation congenital cataracts inability to chew food thin brittle fingernails sparse hair Marshall s syndrome resembles Sweet s syndrome but followed by acquired .