Rất độc đáo được thực hiện trang. Trước hết, thành công ở quy tắc hồng y của quảng cáo trực tuyến. Luôn luôn đưa mọi người đến một trang cụ thể gắn vào các quảng cáo nhấp ở nơi đầu tiên. Nhưng, thông báo cũng là tiêu đề của trang (mà có thể là một chút khó khăn để đọc ở đây trong cuốn sách) là HotShot 18 Inch Antenna Dish nóng Từ tầm nhìn hoàn hảo (HS18) | Perfect Vision HS18. | Chapter 17 Building Traffic and Being Found Very nicely done page. First off it succeeds at the cardinal rule of online advertising. Always take people to a page specifically tied into the ad they clicked in the first place. But notice also the title of the page which might be a bit hard to read here in the book which is Hotshot 18 Inch Heated Dish Antenna from Perfect Vision HS18 I Perfect Vision HS18. Nicely written If you want to run your own advertisements through Google Overture or a similar PPC network think of an effective 5-10-word ad that points to a page that fulfills the ad s claim. If your ad reads Nikon D100 Tips How to get the most out of your camera you don t want it to lead to a page about making the perfect cup of coffee Publicizing Your Site The best way to publicize your new Web site is to become active in the Internet community and to be sure to include your site URL in all your documents advertisements and other collateral materials you use to interact with your peers friends and customers. Find the cool Web sites in your area of interest and ask them to include pointers to your information. Almost all sites do that for free particularly if you agree to list them at your site too. Jill Whalen has a great newsletter at http with lots of on the wonderful tips about improving your findability. Check it out web Table 17-2 HTML Tags Covered in This Chapter Tag Closing Tag Meaning meta meta Specifies additional information to assist search engines and crawlers in indexing and cataloging the Web page Summary After you learn how to build the best possible Web site it s important to ensure that you ve made specific decisions to maximize your findability. That s what this chapter has been about. Starting with a discussion of the importance of titles it delved into meta tags and how to work with crawlers. It then explored various search engines what they offer and how to ensure that your site is in the search engine s directory. .