Power-quang phổ (phía trên) và gia tốc (thấp hơn) tracings lấy từ một bệnh nhân bị run parkinson. Đỉnh run chính là khoảng 5 Hz với một hài hòa tại 10 Hz | Figure 12 As this patient repetitively clenches and unclenches his fists a paucity of movement is apparent in his left hand Figure 13 Power-spectrum upper and accelerometer lower tracings taken from a patient with Parkinsonian tremor. The main tremor peak is at approximately 5 Hz with a harmonic at 10 Hz 2004 CRC Press LLC Figure 14 Positive glabellar tap. Persistent blinking is a feature of Parkinson s disease but is also seen in Alzheimer s disease NORMAL Figure 15 6- l8F -fluorodopa-PET scan appearance in a normal subject upper compared with a Parkinsonian patient lower 2004 CRC Press LLC Nerve terminal Bromocriptine Lysuride Pergolide Ropinirole Cabergoline r TV Amantadine 1__ Terminal expressing either D1 or D2 receptor Postsynaptic neuron Figure 16 Synthesis and metabolism of dopamine within the central nervous system. The green arrows indicate the sites at which various agents might enhance dopaminergic activity. COMT catechol O-methyltransferase by stimulation by inhibition 2004 CRC Press .