Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Chromosomal analysis of embryos produced by artificially inseminated superovulated cattle | 189 Genet Sei Evol 1995 27 189-194 Elsevier INRA Note Chromosomal analysis of embryos produced by artificially inseminated superovulated cattle WA King1 2 A Verini Supplizi2 3 HEP Diop2 4 D Bousquet5 1 University of Guelph Department of Biomedical Sciences Ontario Veterinary College Guelph ON NIG 2W1 Canada . 2 Université de Montreal centre de recherche en reproduction animate faculte de médecine vétérinaire CP5000 Saint-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 7C6 Canada 3 Instituto di Produzioni Animali Facolta de Medicina Veterinaria Via San Costanzo 4 06100 Perugia Italy 4 École inter-États des sciences et médecine vétérinaire departement Chirurgie et Reproduction BP 5077 Dakar Senegal 5 BOVITEQ 1425 Grand Rang Saint-Frangois Saint-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 7A9 Canada Received 23 June 1994 accepted 14 November 1995 Summary - To determine the chromosomal complement of pre-morula bovine embryos 30 Holstein heifers were superovulated and inseminated and their embryos were subjected to chromosome analysis on days 2 3 or 4. Of the 298 embryos ova recovered 101 had one or more cells in metaphase and of these 60 could be karyotyped. Eight of the karyotyped embryos were chromosomally abnormal including 3 triploids 1 tetrapioid and 4 mixopioids. It was concluded that the abnormalities occurred at or shortly after the time of fertilization. bovine embryo chromosome triploid tetrapioid mixopioid Resume - Analyse chromosomique chez des embryons provenant de vaches super-ovulées et inséminées artificiellement. Afin de determiner la garniture chromosomique d embryons bavins aux stades de pré-morula 30 génisses Holstein ont été superovulées et inséminées. Les embryons furent récoltés aux jours 2 3 OU 4 et soumis à une analyse chromosomique. Sur un total de 298 embryons ovules récoltés 101 montraient une OU plusieurs cellules en metaphase et 60 de ceux-ci ont pu être examines pour leur caryotype. Huit embryons analyses présentaient une garniture chromosomique anormale 3 triploides 1 tétraploĩde et 4 mixoploi