Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Restricted selection and effective population size | Genet Sei Evol 1996 28 237-247 Elsevier INRA 237 Original article Restricted selection and effective population size RP Wei Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 901 83 Umeả Sweden Received 22 May 1995 accepted 6 March 1996 Summary - A simple and flexible selection method restricted truncation selection has been developed to screen superior individuals from populations with family structure. Restricted means placing limits on the contributions of families to the selected group and on the number of families allowed to contribute. Selection is made on the basis of individual performance judged by phenotype or breeding value estimate. Formulae have been derived to predict the approximate effective population size in the selected group. Changes in the restrictions used modify the distribution of family contributions and thus lead to different effective sizes in the selected population. Effective size is influenced by sib type heritability selection intensity initial family number and size. It is decreased by restrictions on the family number but increased by restrictions on family contributions. The application of the predictions of effective sizes to planning a breeding population is discussed. selection family truncation effective size Résumé - Selection avec restriction et effectif génétique. Une methode de selection simple et flexible appelée selection par troncature avec restrictions a été mise au point pour retenir les individus supérieurs dans des populations à structure familiale. La restriction revient à imposer des contraintes sur la contribution des families au groupe sélectionné et sur le nombre de families autorisées à contribuer. La selection est basée sur la performance individuelle phénotypique OU sur une estimée de valeur génétique. Des formules approximatives de calcul de I effectif génétique du groupe sélectionné sont données. Des changements dans les contraintes appliquées modifient la .