Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: A reduced animal model with elimination of quantitative trait loci equations for marker-assisted selection | 13 JANU 1997 Genet Sei Evol 1996 28 465-477 Elsevier INRA 465 Original article A reduced animal model with elimination of quantitative trait loci equations for marker-assisted selection s Saito1 H Iwaisaki1 2 1 Graduate School of Science and Technology 2 Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture Niigata University Niigata 950-21 Japan Received 26 March 1996 accepted 12 July 1996 Summary - A reduced animal model RAM version of the method with the animal model proposed by Hoeschele for marker-assisted selection is presented. The current RAM approach allows simultaneous evaluation of fixed effects the total additive genetic merits for parent animals and the additive effects due to quantitative trait loci linked to the marker locus only for animals which have the marker data or provide relationship ties among descendant animals with known marker data. An appropriate covariance matrix of the residual effects is given and formulae for backsolving for non-parent animals are presented. A numerical example is also given. marker-assisted selection best linear unbiased prediction reduced animal model total additive genetic effect additive effect of marked QTL alleles Résumé Un modèle animal réduit avec elimination d equations relatives aux locus de caractères quantitatifs pour la sélection assistée par marqueurs. Le modèle animal propose par I Hoeschele pour la selection assistée par marqueurs est modifie id en modèle animal reduit MAR . Cette approche MAR permet d evaluer simultanément les effets fixes les valeurs gếnétiques additives des individus parents et les effets additifs de locus lies aux locus marqueurs pour les seuls individus marques OU qui foumissent des liens de parenté entre des descendants marques. La matrice de covariance residuelie correspondante est donnee ainsi que les formules permettant de remonter aux individus non parents. Un exemple numérique est également traité. sélection assistée par marqueurs meilleure prédiction linéaire sans biais .