tricle và saccule. Bị đình chỉ trong tiền sảnh. Một thụ thể, các điểm vàng, trong mỗi của hai buồng phản ứng với các kích thích về sự gia tốc tuyến tính và lực hấp dẫn. Ống hình bán nguyệt (ba). Ống bị đình chỉ trong mỗi ống bán nguyệt, cả hai đầu của mỗi ống kết nối với utricle. | 20. Ear 207 FIGURE . Inner ear the membranous labyrinth is suspended in the osseous labyrinth. Utricle and saccule. Suspended within the vestibule. A receptor the macula in each of these two chambers responds to stimuli of linear acceleration and gravitational forces. Semicircular ducts three . One duct is suspended in each of the semicircular canals both ends of each duct connect with the utricle. An enlargement the ampulla at one end of each duct is located in the enlargement of each semicircular canal and contains a receptor the crista ampullaris for angular acceleration. Cochlear duct. Located in the center of the cochlea. The cochlear duct communicates indirectly with the saccule. The receptor in the cochlear duct the organ of Corti responds to sound vibrations. Endolymphatic duct. Formed by union of small ducts from the utricle and saccule extends toward the brain where it terminates as an enlargement the endolymphatic sac between layers of the meninges. Probably functions to absorb endolymph. Sensory innervation is provided by cranial nerve VIII the vestibulocochlear nerve. Utricle and saccule Portions of the membranous labyrinth that are connected to each other and are suspended in the osseous vestibule Macula. Receptor in both the utricle and saccule Thickening in the wall of the utricle and saccule composed of 208 Digital Histology Supporting cells Hair cells with stereocilia and a cilium kinocilium that are embedded in the gelatinous layer Gelatinous layer is produced by supporting cells and covers both these and the hair cells. Otoliths otoconia . Calcium carbonate crystals that are suspended at the top of the gel Linear acceleration and the force of gravity displace the otoliths stimulating the stereocilia and kinocilia and initiating a neural sensory impulse in the vestibular division of cranial nerve VIII. Semicircular ducts three Portions of the membranous labyrinth suspended in the osseous semicircular canals both ends of each semicircular duct