Tình báo cạnh tranh: XÂY DỰNG Dạng dùng thông tin tình báo cạnh tranh, một thuật ngữ chung, đề cập đến một quá trình thu thập và phân tích một loạt các thông tin có tầm quan trọng chiến lược hay chiến thuật cho tổ chức. Hiện đã có một xu hướng đối với một số nhà văn và | Chapter 6 Competitive Intelligence the Planning Process and Marketing COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE A GENERIC FORMULATION Competitive intelligence an umbrella term refers to a process of gathering and analyzing an array of information that has strategic or tactical importance to the organization. There has been a tendency for some writers and practitioners to equate competitive intelligence with the gathering and manipulation of open source information that is readily available in public documents via written sources and or over the Internet . One benefit of so defining the field is the fact that this definition affirms that the vast majority of information that is needed by decision makers already exists in readily available sources and that resourceful analysts and researchers can ferret out this knowledge and eliminate the need for more costly and time-consuming primary research. When it is possible to replace primary with secondary research both time effort and money can be saved. Thus McGonagle and Vella observe A key maxim of. competitive intelligence. is that 90 percent of all information that a company needs to make key decisions and to understand its markets and competitors is already public or can be systematically developed from public data 1996 40 . Another reason for equating competitive intelligence with open source research is the fact that practitioners emphasize that the research and analytic tasks that competitive intelligence professionals perform as compared to what is routinely depicted as espionage is legal and that competitive intelligence clearly operates within the parameters of law regulation and ethics. Since open source data by definition is readily accessible and freely available both legally and ethically to the public concentrating upon this kind of data underscores that 92 Competitive Intelligence and Cross-Disciplinary Tools Table The Planning Process Issue Strategic Planning Long-Range Planning Operational Planning Time Frame .