nó tạo ra, và làm cho xung đột, hai đối diện lợi ích của các nhà đầu tư và của người lao động. Nhưng chúng ta phải bắt đầu bằng cách chứng minh rằng sự đối lập tồn tại một quy luật của tự nhiên, và sau đó nó sẽ vẫn được hiển thị như thế nào đến nay việc sắp xếp cho sự can thiệp tốt hơn cho những người tự do, | Economic Sophisms First Series 213 glanced at it only in as far so it bears upon my subject of Free Trade. But perhaps the attentive reader may have perceived in it the fertile germ which in the fullness of its maturity will not only smother Protection but along with it Fourierism Saint-Simonian-ism communism and all those schools whose object it is to exclude from the government of the world the law of COMPETITION. Regarded from the producer s point of view competition no doubt frequently clashes with our immediate and individual interests but if we change our point of view and extend our regards to industry in general to universal prosperity in a word to consumption we shall find that competition in the moral world plays the same part that equilibrium does in the material world. It lies at the root of true communism of true socialism of that equality of conditions and of happiness so much desired in our day and if so many sincere publicists and well-meaning reformers seek after the arbitrary it is for this reason that they do not understand liberty. 5 Our Products Are Burdened with Taxes We have here again the same fallacy. We demand that foreign products should be taxed to neutralize the effect of the taxes that weigh upon our national products. The object then still is to equalize the conditions of production. We have only a word to say and it is this That the tax is an artificial obstacle that produces exactly the same result as a natural obstacle its effect is to enhance prices. if this enhancement reach a point that makes it a greater loss to create the product for ourselves than to procure it from abroad by producing a counter value let well alone. Of two evils private interest will manage to choose the least. i might then simply refer the reader to the preceding demonstration but the fallacy we have here to combat recurs so frequently in the lamentations and demands I might say in the challenges of the protectionist school as to merit a special discussion.