Ông hoàn thành bởi gió, bởi lực hấp dẫn, nhiệt độ cao, độ đàn hồi của không khí, những gì ông thực hiện đầu tiên bằng cách gắng sức cơ bắp. Bây giờ những gì sẽ xảy ra? Mặc dù hiệu quả cũng không kém phần hữu ích, nỗ lực này là ít hơn. Ít nỗ lực bao hàm dịch vụ ít hơn, | 54 The Bastiat Collection that is to say to arrive by means of natural and gratuitous agents at the same results as by efforts. He accomplishes by the wind by gravitation by heat by the elasticity of the air what he accomplished at first only by muscular exertion. Now what happens Although the effect is equally useful the effort is less. Less effort implies less service and less service implies less value. Each step of progress then annihilates value but how Not by suppressing the useful effect but by substituting gratuitous for onerous utility natural for social wealth. In one sense the portion of value thus annihilated is excluded from the domain of Political Economy just as it is excluded from our inventories. It is no longer exchanged bought or sold and mankind enjoys it without effort and almost without consciousness. It is no longer accounted relative wealth but is ranked among the gifts of God. But on the other hand if science takes it no longer into account the error is assuredly committed of losing sight of what under all circumstances is the main the essential thing the result the useful effect. In that case we overlook the strongest tendencies toward community and equality and discover much less of harmony in the social order. If this book is destined to advance Political Economy a single step it will be by keeping constantly before the eyes of the reader that portion of value which is successively annihilated and recovered under the form of gratuitous utility by mankind at large. I shall here make an observation that will prove how frequently the sciences unite and nearly flow into each other. I have just defined service. It is the effort in one man while the want and the satisfaction are in another. Sometimes the service is rendered gratuitously without remuneration without any service being exacted in return. It proceeds then from the principle of sympathy rather than from the principle of self-interest. It constitutes gift not exchange. Consequently