và nó là đối tượng của bạn để chữa trị? Từ một để cung cấp cho khác! Chỉ cần cho phép tôi để đánh dấu ở đây nguy hiểm và phi lý, từ một điểm kinh tế, của khát vọng này cái gọi là xã hội, trong đó, quá trình lên men trong quần chúng dân số của chúng tôi, đã phá vỡ quy định với lực lượng như vậy | 176 The Bastiat Collection a symbol of other products to have been made many years ago the probability is that it has undergone depreciation inasmuch as we have at the present day more resources for the manufacture of such articles more skill better tools capital obtained on easier terms and a more extended division of labor. In this way the person who wishes to obtain the cup does not say to its possessor Tell me the exact amount of labor quantity and quality both taken into account that cup has cost you in order that I may remunerate you accordingly. No he says Nowadays in consequence of the progress of art I can make for myself or procure by exchange a similar cup at the expense of so much labor of such a quality and that is the limit of the remuneration I can consent to give you. Hence it follows that all labor incorporated with commodities in other words all accumulated labor all capital has a tendency to become depreciated in presence of services naturally improvable and increasingly and progressively productive and that in exchanging present labor against anterior labor the advantage is generally on the side of present labor as it ought to be seeing that it renders a greater amount of service. This shows us how empty are the declamations we hear continually directed against the value of landed property. That value differs from other values in nothing neither in its origin nor in its nature nor in the general law of its slow depreciation as compared with the labor it originally cost. It represents anterior services the clearing away of trees and stones draining enclosing levelling manuring building it demands the recompense of these services. But that recompense is not regulated with reference to the labor that has been actually performed. The landed proprietor does not say Give me in exchange for this land as much labor as it has received from me. But he would so express himself if according to Adam Smith s theory value came from labor and were proportional