dịch vụ ông đã trả lại, và những gì có thể được hợp pháp? Nó là tài sản được tạo ra chi phí không, và không chặn cũng không loại thuế quà tặng của Thiên Chúa. Cũng không phải là tất cả. Vốn đã được nâng cao, và lợi ích được lan truyền trên các cây trồng năm kế tiếp, | 298 The Bastiat Collection services he has rendered and what property can be more legitimate It is property created at no one s expense and neither intercepts nor taxes the gifts of God. Nor is this all. The capital that has been advanced and the interest of which is spread over the crop of successive years is so far from increasing the price of the produce and forming a burden on the consumers that the latter acquire agricultural products cheaper in proportion as this capital is augmented that is to say in proportion as the value of the soil is increased. I have no doubt that this assertion will be thought paradoxical and tainted with exaggerated optimism so much have people been accustomed to regard the value of land as a calamity if not a piece of injustice. For my own part I affirm that it is not enough to say that the value of the soil has been created at no one s expense it is not enough to say that it injures no one we should rather say that it benefits everybody. It is not only legitimate but advantageous even to those who possess no property. We have here in fact the phenomenon of our previous illustration reproduced. We remarked that from the moment the water carrier invented the barrow and the wheel the purchaser of the water had to pay for two kinds of labor first the labor employed in making the barrow and the wheel or rather the interest of the capital and an annual contribution to a sinking fund to replace that capital when worn out second the direct labor that the water-carrier must still perform. But it is equally true that these two kinds of labor united do not equal in amount the labor that had to be undergone before the invention. Why because a portion of the work has now been handed over to the gratuitous forces of nature. It is indeed in consequence of this diminution of human labor that the invention has been called forth and adopted. All this takes place in exactly the same way in the case of land and the production of wheat. As often as an