106 Bộ đã được đổi tên thành Bộ Ngoại giao Kinh tế và Kinh doanh trong tháng 11 năm 2001, khi nó hấp thụ các nhiệm vụ của ba Bộ chức đang cố gắng để xây dựng năng lực mới và đưa ra cách thức mới để tiến hành kinh doanh cần phải thay đổi văn hóa hiện hành - tín ngưỡng, | Endnotes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tom Kelly The Ten Faces of Innovation New York Doubleday 2005 p. 5. Jessica McDonald Getting Serious about Public Service Innovation Canadian Government Executive Magazine March 2008 accessed January 19 2009 http pid 104 . Sharon Dawes Breaching the Wall A Lesson in Leadership Government Technology February 2007. Morten T. Hansen and Julian Birkinshaw The Innovation Value Chain Harvard Business Review June 2007 p. 101. New York City London Announce Innovation Exchange Program Government Technology May 9 2008 accessed May 19 2008 http www. gt articles 320843 id story_pg 1 . Bernd H. Schmitt Big Think Strategy How To Leverage Bold Ideas and Leave Small Thinking Behind Cambridge MA Harvard Business School Press 2007 p. 39. Robert Chapman Wood and Gary Hamel The World Bank s Innovation Market Harvard Business Review November 2002 p. 104-113. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Global Results accessed June 4 2008 http performance global_results index. php . Steve Towns Vivek Kundra CTO of Washington . Focuses on Project Management Government Technology July 9 2008 http . com pcio articles 375806 . . Congress Office of Technology of Assessment Teachers and Technology Making the Connections OTA-HER-616 Washington DC . Government Printing Office April 1995 p. 74. Paul Macmillan Moving Forward Promoting Innovative Government for Long-Term Success Deloitte Touche LLP 2008 p. 6. Steven J. Kelman Changing Big Government Organizations Easier than Meets the Eye Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP04-026 John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University May 2004. Ken Miller Guerilla Warfare How to Create Change When You Are Not in Charge July 12 2007 http articles . Jena McGregor et al. The World s Most Innovative Companies BusinessWeek April 24 2006 Issue 3981 pp. 63-74. Endnotes 141 TThe Public .