Cavernous hemangioma. Hình Các bất thường mạch máu bẩm sinh xảy ra như là một tổn thương trên khuôn mặt thường xảy ra ở mí mắt. Tổn thương thoái một cách tự nhiên trong khoảng 70% của tất cả các trường hợp. | 44 Cavernous hemangioma. 45 Neurofibroma. --------------------------------------------------------- Symptoms and diagnostic considerations The numerous tumors are soft broad-based or pediculate and occur either in the skin or in subcutaneous tissue usually in the vicinity of the upper eyelid. They can reach monstrous proportions and present as elephantiasis of the eyelids Fig. . Treatment Smaller fibromas can be easily removed by surgery. Larger tumors always entail a risk of postoperative bleeding and recurrence. On the whole treatment is difficult. Malignant Tumors Basal Cell Carcinoma Definition Basal cell carcinoma is a frequent moderately malignant fibroepithelial tumor that can cause severe local tissue destruction but very rarely metastasizes. Epidemiology Approximately 90 of all malignant eyelid tumors are basal cell carcinomas. Their incidence increases with age. In approximately 60 of all cases they are localized on the lower eyelid. Morbidity in sunny countries is no cases per 100000 persons in central Europe approximately 20 per 100000 persons . Dark-skinned people are affected significantly less often. Gender is not a predisposing factor. Etiology Causes of basal cell carcinoma may include a genetic disposition. Increased exposure to the sun s ultraviolet radiation carcinogenic substances such as arsenic and chronic skin damage can also lead to an increased incidence. Basal cell carcinomas arise from the basal cell layers of the epidermis and the sebaceous gland hair follicles where their growth locally destroys tissue. Symptoms Typical characteristics include a firm slightly raised margin a halo resembling a string of beads with a central crater and superficial vascularization with an increased tendency to bleed Fig. . Ulceration with gnawing peripheral proliferation is occasionally referred to as an ulcus rodens an ulcus terebans refers to deep infiltration with invasion of cartilage and bone. Diagnostic considerations The .