GSA, bên ngoài thính giác meatus, med. và lat. bề mặt của tai (conchae) GSA, diện tích nhỏ vào tai GSA, med. và lat. bề mặt của tai (conchae); bài. tường và sàn của meatus thính giác bên ngoài, màng tympanic màng cứng của bài viết. sọ hố | Sensory Pathways 185 Trigeminal Pathways Somatosensory Position of Trigeminal tracts Somatotopy in SpTTr and SpTNu Posterior limb IC Origin of SA Data TriMoNu SpTTr SpTNu GSA small area on ear GSA external auditory meatus med. and lat. surfaces of ear conchae SpTTr SpTNu GSA skin of face forehead and part of scalp membranes of nose and of nasal maxillary and frontal sinuses oral cavity teeth ant. 2 3 of tongue muscles of mastication tMJ cornea and conjunctiva dura of mid. and ant. cranial fossae Input from 7 9 10 Man. V Max. V ----Opth. V GSA med. and lat. surfaces of ear conchae post. wall and floor of external auditory meatus tympanic membrane dura of post. cranial fossa 186 Synopsis of Functional Components Tracts Pathways and Systems Solitary Pathways 7-8 Visceral afferent input SVA-taste GVA general visceral sensation on cranial nerves VII facial IX glossopharyngeal and X vagus enters the solitary nuclei via the solitary tract. What we commonly call the solitary nucleus is actually a series of small nuclei that collectively form this rostrocaudal-oriented cell column. Solitary cells project to the salivatory hypoglossal and dorsal motor vagal nuclei and the nucleus ambiguus. Solitary projections to the nucleus ambiguus are largely bilateral and are the intermediate neurons in the pathway for the gag reflex. The afferent limb of the gag-reflex is carried on the glossopharyngeal nerve and the efferent limb originates from the nucleus ambiguus. In this respect the efferent limb travels on both the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Although not routinely tested the gag-reflex should be evaluated in patients with dysarthria dysphagia or hoarnessness. Solitariospinal fibers are bilateral with a contralateral preponderance and project to the phrenic nucleus the inter-mediolateral cell column and the ventral horn. The VPM is the thalamic center through which visceral afferent information is relayed onto the cerebral cortex. Neurotransmitters Substance P -containing .