Hệ thống các tính năng 0 tiêu hóa 0 Crohn của bệnh nguyên tiêu hóa đường, ruột đặc biệt là nhỏ 0 phân đoạn, bỏ qua các tổn thương 0 Transmural 0 nguy cơ của viêm đại tràng thủng loét (so sánh Crohn) 0 trực tràng và đại tràng 0 liên tục tổn thương 0 giới hạn để niêm mạc | 340 The Ophthalmology Examinations Review Inflammatory bowel disease 1. Systemic features Gastrointestinal Crohn s disease Whole gastrointestinal tract especially small bowels Segmental skip lesions Transmural Risk of perforation Ulcerative colitis compare with Crohn s Rectum and colon Continuous lesions Confined to mucosa Risk of CA colon Arthritis Typical spondyloarthropathy features Others Hepatobiliary complications Skin rash Renal complications 2. Ocular Primary Uveitis in 10 more common in ulcerative colitis than Crohn s Conjunctivitis keratitis sclerltls Secondary Hypovitaminosis page 413 s What are different gastroinestinal diseases that have prominent ocular manifestations Gastrointestinal diseases are associated with a variety of ocular manifestations. Gastrointestinal diseases and the eye 1. Corneal complications Primary biliary cirrhosis and Wilson s disease Kayser Fleisher ring Corneal arcus 2. Uveitis IBD Crohn s disease and ulcerative colitis Reiter s Whipple s disease 3. Retinal complications Familial polyposis coll Congenital hypertrophy of the RPE CHRPE Pancreatitis Purtscher s retinopathy Liver diseases chronic diarrhoea Vitamin A deficiency and night blindness B Tell me about juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JRA is a systemic condition in children. It is classically divided into 3 types . With characteristics systemic and ocular features in each type. 3 Exam tips See also arthritis and eye above skin and eye page 415 renal diseases and eye page 210 cardiovascular diseases and eye page 200 and cancer and the eye page 360 3 Exam tips Risk of uveitis pauciartlcular early onset and ANA positive JRA Section 8 Uveitis Systemic Diseases and Tumors 341 Systemic Still s disease Polyarticular 5 or more joints Pauciarticular 4 or fewer joints Late onset type Pauciarticular Early onset type Frequency 20 40 20 RF positive 20 RF negative 20 20 Salient features Systemic disease fever rash hepatosplenomegaly Uveitis rare Resembles RA