Hầu như tất cả các hoạt động này có xu hướng liên quan đến việc giáo viên lưu thông xung quanh và giám sát tiến độ, đưa ra giúp đỡ cá nhân và khi cần thiết. Tuy nhiên, một số giáo viên thích để duy trì một mức độ cao về hướng trong các hoạt động như vậy, trong khi những người khác nhìn thấy lợi ích quan trọng giáo dục xuất phát từ ít chỉ thị | 42 Essential Teaching Skills Examples include doing experiments or other practical tasks investigation and problemsolving activities worksheets ICT role play and small group discussion. Almost all such activities tend to involve the teacher circulating around and monitoring progress giving individual help as and when necessary. Nevertheless some teachers prefer to maintain a high level of direction during such activities while others see important educational benefits deriving from being less directive this point will be developed further when we consider the notion of active learning later in this chapter . Setting up academic tasks For academic tasks to be successfully employed it is absolutely crucial that it is clear to pupils what they have to do and to indicate the relationship between the task and the learning intended. it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the most important aspect is to get the pupils under way quickly with the task and then to deal with any problems as they arise. Doing so can lead to your having to dash from one desk to another throughout the lesson or else having to interrupt the class as a whole on several occasions. in fact the most important aspect for success is the careful preparation of the tasks and materials to be used so that they are clear and if necessary self-explanatory coupled with a clear briefing of what is required before the task is started. Some pupils may not pay attention during this briefing session if they know that you will simply give an individual briefing to anyone who wants one once the work has begun. If several pupils have this attitude there will be many demands made on you at the start. As such it is well worthwhile to ensure that as many pupils as possible are clear about the task in hand before the class is allowed to start the work. Another aspect of academic tasks that is of great importance is to ensure that pupils possess the skills required to undertake the task successfully or if not .