Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: A comparison of the level of enzyme polymorphism in cosmopolitan Drosophila species between populations collected in distilleries and in their surroundings in Hungary | Genet. Sei. Evol. 1989 21 147-157 Elsevier INRA 147 Original article A comparison of the level of enzyme polymorphism in cosmopolitan Drosophila species between populations collected in distilleries and in their surroundings in Hungary K. Pecsenye Kossuth Lajos University Department of Zoology and Anthropology Debrecen 10 POBox3 H-4010 Hungary received 4 September 1987 accepted 1 September 1988 Summary The level of enzyme polymorphism was studied in populations of Drosophila me ano-gaster and D. hydei from three different regions of Hungary. Collections were made in distilleries or by outside baits Allozyme variability was investigated for five loci Adh Odh Mdh a-Gpdh a-Amfi by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two different rare alleles were detected for the Adh locus in D. hydei in Hungary. The number of species was lower in distilleries than outside. The heterozygosity level in samples from distilleries was generally lower than in samples from outside. This result gives support to the hypothesis that the more diverse the environment the higher the level of polymorphism maintained. enzyme polymorphism - distillery - Drosophila hydei Résumé Comparison du polymorphisme enzymatique Chez des espèces cosmopolites de drosophlles entre des populations Hongrolses échantlllọnnées dans des dlstlllẹriệs et dans les environs. Le polymorphisme enzymatique a été étudié dans des populations de Drosophila melanogaster et de D. hydei issues de trois régions rdcoltes ont été réalisées dans des distilleries et à 1 extérieur par piégeage. La variabilité des allozymes a été étudiée en cinq locus Adh Odh Mdh a-Gpdh a-Amyj par éìéctrophorèse sur gel de polyacrilamide. Deux alldles rares ont ểté détectéès au locus Adh dans les populations hongroises de D. hydei. Le nombre d espồces est plus petit dans les distilleries qu à 1 extérieur. Le niveau d hétérozygotie est en général plus bas dans les échantillons prélevés dans les distilleries qu à 1 extérieur. Ce .