Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Wertheim cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: omparative and functional genomics provide insights into the pathogenicity of dermatophytic fungi. | Burmester et al. Genome Biology 2011 12 R7 http 2011 12 1 R7 Genome Biology RESEARCH Open Access Comparative and functional genomics provide insights into the pathogenicity of dermatophytie fungi A K-. I r D I ir m r rh M 1 2 n c I r F3 4 K Z F AC I A z l K r- r4t K I r Fz I_I kZ z l z rzi Z FF1 2 4 Cl I r I c p. I z l I z K5 6 AnKe Burmester tKdterind Shelest Gernot GlocKner Christoph Heddergott susdnn Schindler Dator Cl 3iH7 A laz-lr MA I loiHol4 M rii IC EolHor4 8 Anrlroac Dcitv m4 k rr il CvTihrTirìcl i4 i Ar hcii icirrnunn9 Ix Z i PoHn I 7 7Í9 reiei stdib Andrew Heidel Mdiius Feldei Andieds Petzold Kdiol szdiidnsKi Mdic Feueimdnn Ivo Pediuzzi Steffen Priebe3 Mdrco Groth4 Robert WinKler6 10 Wenjun Li11 Oldf Kniemeyer1 VolKer SchroecKh1 A n KI r F I K k I I Z zF A r I 6 10 D KK p KZ 1 I I I I p Z 6 I2 P Z Z A A Pk I tzs 13 h ỉ FF Pk I 1 D I F 7Z K4 D I K p K zd AC I F Pk I zz 3 Christidn HertwecK Bernhdrd Huue Iheooore C White Mdtthids Pidtzer Reinhdro GuthKe 11 2 14 Joseph Heitmdn Johdnnes WOstemeyer Peter F Zipfel Michel Monod Axel A BrdKhdge Abstract Background Millions of humdns dnd dnimdls suffer from superficidl infections cdused by d group of highly specidlized fildmentous fungi the dermdtophytes which exclusively infect Kerdtinized host structures. To provide brodd insights into the moleculdr bdsis of the pdthogenicity-dssocidted trdits we report the first genome sequences of two closely phylogeneticdlly reldted dermdtophytes Arthroderma benhamiae dnd Trichophyton verrucosum both of which induce highly infldmmdtory infections in humdns. Results 97 of the megdbdse genome sequences of A. benhamiae dnd T. verrucosum die undmbiguously dligndble dnd collinedr. To unrdvel dermdtophyte-specific virulence-dssocidted trdits we compdred sets of potentidlly pdthogenicity-dssocidted proteins such ds secreted protedses dnd enzymes involved in seconddry metdbolite production with those of closely reldted onygendles Coccidioides species .