. Các kỹ sư hiện trường nên sử dụng bản án của riêng mình để xác định xem hướng dẫn cần được sửa đổi. Điều quan trọng là các kỹ sư trường không rời khỏi trang web cho đến khi tất cả các thông tin được thu thập. Chuyên gia tư vấn có thể thường không đủ khả năng để điều tra hai lần. | Unified soil legend By using the soil legend suggested by the Bureau of Reclamation a soil engineer or an architect is able to identify the soil without reading the description. The types of soil presented in this legend are limited to only eight with three additional symbols for fill and six for bedrock. Complicated and detailed classifications are not considered necessary in general exploration and sometimes may confuse the issue. Typical logs are shown in Figure . Plotting All test holes should be plotted according to elevation. When elevations are not taken notes and explanations should be given. A horizontal line should be drawn across the log indicating the proposed floor level. In this manner a concise idea on the subsoil conditions immediately beneath the footings can be obtained. Without the proposed floor level it will be necessary to assume one or several possible floor levels and build the recommendations around the assumptions. Typical soil legends and symbols are shown in Figure . Water level The water table is an integral part of a soil log. The depth of the water table should be carefully recorded. Stabilized water table conditions can generally be obtained in the test hole after 24 hours. Such records should be plotted. In cohesive soils due to their low permeability no water or low water table conditions are generally recorded. The field engineer should record the water level with clear explanations. Others The log should also include such data as the date of drilling the location of bench mark type of drilling equipment climate condition and the engineer s name. 2000 CRC Press LLC 2 TOPSOIL OR organic soil. Q CLAY CL CL-CH CH FIRM. 2 SILT ML ML-CL FIRM. 2 SAND clean sp sw sp pervious. P2 SAND CLAYEY sc SC-SM IMPERVIOUS SANŨ SILTY SM AM-SC IMPERVIOUS. B CONCRETE OR ASPHALT PAVING AND BASE COURSE. FILL MAN-MADE LOOSE OR UNKNOWN Ixi FILL SPECIAL SYMBOL ỆỆ DENSE. CONTROLLED SLAG. ETC- BEDROCK 0 WEATHERED CLAYSTONE CL-CH. UNDER 20 BLOWS GRAVEL .