Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Wertheim cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Full genome re-sequencing reveals a novel circadian clock mutation in Arabidopsis. | Ashelford et al. Genome Biology 2011 12 R28 http content 12 3 R28 Genome Biology METHOD Open Access Full genome re-sequencing reveals a novel circadian clock mutation in Arabidopsis Ka ln A chal nci l11 a rM c l-rib ccnn2t t ri tcr hũr Allan3 Pncallnha rVAiTmro iị lihiol lnf .wcow2 Fotor rdm lira Kevin Asheboro Mdrld E Erlksson Chrlstopher M Allen nosdllliod JAIIUle Mlkdel Johdnsson Peter Gould Pl Ivanna kMv1 AnhraiA I l llllar4 Mall I lalfanh Anthanv I Mil1 suzdnne Kdy Andrew J Mllldi Nell Hdll dnd Anthony Hdll Abstract Mdp bdsed clonlng ln Arabidopsis thaliana cdn be d difficult dnd ilme-consumlng process speclflcdlly lf the phenotype ls subtle dnd scorlng ldbour lntenslve. Here we hdve re-sequenced the 120-Mb genome of d novel Arabidopsis clock mutdnt early bird ebi-1 ln Wdssllewskljd Ws-2 . We demonstrate the utlllty of sequenclng d bdckcrossed llne ln llmltlng the number of SNPs consldered. We ldentlfy d SNP ln the gene AtNFXL-2 ds the llkely cduse of the ebi-1 phenotype. Background Arabidopsis has a sequenced reference genome of 120 Mb from the Columbia Col-0 accession 1 . It has been used extensively as a model organism to understand plant development physiology and metabolism reviewed in 2 . Much of our understanding of these processes has come through the isolation and molecular characterization of chemically induced mutations in genes involved in these processes. Until recently identifying the mutated gene required the tedious process of map-based cloning. Map-based cloning in Arabidopsis involves outcrossing the mutant plant with a divergent Arabidopsis accession usually Col-0 or Landsberg erecta Ler . In the F2 generation the mutant phenotype is scored and molecular markers are then used to rough map the gene. Finally plants with intra-chromosomal recombination events are used to narrow down the genetic interval 3 . The processes can be complicated by natural variation in the phenotype being mapped between the two parental lines used .