Chương này các cuộc điều tra các loại di erent các chỉ số mà không có nội dung để cung cấp một phân tích đầy đủ. Một trọng tâm chính được đặt trên các chỉ số tuân thủ và đánh giá tuân thủ, mặc dù có một số xem xét các chỉ số thực hiện kế hoạch và cách thức chúng được sử dụng ở cấp độ vi mô. | 18 World Bank Study Types of Human Rights Indicators This chapter surveys different types of indicators without purporting to provide an exhaustive analysis. A primary focus is placed on compliance indicators and compliance assessment although there is some consideration of planned performance indicators and how they are used at the micro-level. In contrasting the latter with compliance indicators some insights may be gained concerning the nature and practice of human rights measurement. Indicators Measuring Compliance with Legal Obligations After prolonged debates on human rights indicators and their typology an emerging consensus is discernable at the international level. Beginning in 2005 under the aegis of the OHCHR a group of experts has developed a typology of structure process and outcome indicators inspired in part by the previous work of the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. The purpose of the exercise has been to provide the . human rights treaty bodies20 with a methodology and conceptual framework for monitoring compliance by state parties with international human rights The exercise is designed also to assist states in their reporting duties under the treaties and to improve the quality and consistency of reports submitted. By early 2010 the following tasks had been accomplished. First illustrative indicators have been identified on a number of human rights and thematic issues and subjected to validation. These indicators facilitate the identification and use of contextually relevant indicators through appropriate country-level participatory processes. At present illustrative indicators are available for the following rights Right to life Right to liberty and security of person Right to participate in public affairs Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical .