Tương tự như vậy cho người tàn tật, công nghệ robot sẽ kết hôn với công nghệ tín hiệu vỏ não kiểm soát để kiểm soát thành công của chân tay giả. Nỗ lực hết sức nặng nề đã được đóng góp bởi tất cả các công nhân trong lĩnh vực này để cung cấp một đơn vị | 14-2 Neuroengineering TABLE Characteristics of Electrodes Investigators Tines Anderson Tines Donoghue Tines Schwartz Wires Nicolelis Neurotrophic Kennedy 1-Longevity 1 yrs 4 yrs 1 yrs 1 yrs 4 yrs human 2-Stability No No No No Yes 3-Plasticity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4-Directionality 2D 2D 3D 2D 2D 5-Force N T N T N T Yes N T 6-LFPs Yes N T N T N T Yes 7-Units contact 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 19 8-Units electrode 40 40 40 100 19 9-EMG related N T N T N T N T Yes 10-Stimulation Yes Yes Yes Yes No Note N T not tested yrs years. to restore movement to those paralyzed by spinal cord injuries. Similarly for amputees robotic technologies will wed with cortical control signal technologies for successful control of artificial limbs. Herculean efforts have been expended by all workers in this field to provide single-unit recordings in the belief that the precision needed for control of digits is found only in the firing patterns of cortical single units recorded from primates. While not doubting this conclusion less precise control may be sufficient for some prosthetic applications. An example of less precision is found in local field potential recordings LFPs which are simply an aggregate of single-unit recordings. These LFPs may prove very useful as prosthetic controllers 1 7-9 . Furthermore this chapter concludes with the surmise that not only precision but plasticity also may be the unique and a very necessary feature available from singleunit recordings and not from LFPs. Yet LFPs may provide some degree of prosthetic control that although less precise may be useful. Electrodes First let s look more closely at these three electrode categories and discuss the pros and cons. Conflict of interest statement Yes it is true that this author is the developer of the neurotrophic electrode NE . Nevertheless this author will try to be as impartial as possible and assess the facts as published and known to him. Table summarizes electrode similarities and differences. The author