So sánh các đặc tính của ống kính nội nhãn sau buồng (PCIOLs) và ống kính buồng nhãn trước (ACIOLs) PCIOLs Ưu điểm không khâu, tiêu chuẩn: • Yêu cầu tỷ lệ sau • Thấp nguyên vẹn của CME, viên nang và zonules ugh, PBK • Ít tế bào nội mô mất • Gia tăng nguy cơ trật khớp • Nằm ở điểm nút của mắt • Cơ khí hàng rào khuếch tán | 38 Julie H. Tsai and Edward J. Holland Table Comparison of properties of posterior chamber intraocular lenses PCIOLs and anterior chamber intraocular lenses ACIOLs PCIOLs Advantages Disadvantages ACIOLs Advantages Disadvantages Non-sutured standard Flexible open-loop Low incidence of CME UGH PBK Less endothelial cell loss Positioned at nodal point of eye Mechanical barrier diffusion movement of vasoactive substances in posterior segment leading to CME RD Does not affect TM Requires intact posterior capsule and zonules Increased risk of dislocation Easier insertion Less operating time Difficulty with insertion Iris tuck pupillary entrapment Risk of uveitis glaucoma hyphema CME PBK Pupillary block Scleral-sutured standard Rigid closed-loop Used with limbal wound or PK Less pseudophakodonesis Not dependent on presence of iris Minimal uveal contact Difficulty with insertion techniques Increased operating time Extensive vitrectomy Suture-related endophthalmitis Risk of RD from vitrec-tomy manipulation of vitreous base Risk of hemorrhage from passage through CB Suture-erosion Haptic erosion of CB Similar to flexible open loop ACIOL Damage to TM Prolonged inflammation with or without CME Corneal decompensation Iris-sutured Similar advantages of nonsutured PCIOLs CME from uveal irritation Pigment dispersion Difficult insertion technique Limited papillary excursion Requires sufficient iris tissue pseudophacodonesis CME cystoid macular edema UGH uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome PBK pseudophakic bullous keratopathy RD retinal detachment TM trabecular meshwork PK penetrating keratoplasty CB ciliary body in expulsive hemorrhages one of the most devastating complications of ophthalmic surgery. Thus risk which is generally low for small-incision cataract surgery is reportedly for routine penetrating keratoplasty 5 . The additional time and effort in suturing a secondary IOL increases the risk of choroidal hemorrhage ranging from 0 to 6-9 . Increased surgical time .