Thử nghiệm lâm sàng đang được tiến hành sửa chữa pseudophakic sau khi phẫu thuật đục thủy tinh thể. Đến giữa năm 2004, IOL đồng bộ (hình 12,4) đã được cấy ghép vào hơn 70 đôi mắt của con người tại các trung tâm khác nhau trên thế giới | Chapter 12 Synchrony IOL 117 Clinical Results Clinical trials are being conducted for pseu-dophakic correction after cataract surgery. By mid-2004 the Synchrony IOL Fig. had been implanted in more than 70 human eyes in different centers around the world . University of Mainz and University of Heidelberg Germany . The lens can be safely implanted in the capsular bag after conventional phacoemulsification. Special care was taken to create a perfectly centered continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis CCC with a size between and 5 mm. After complete removal of the lens nucleus and cortical material careful polishing of the anterior lens capsule was performed in order to diminish lens epithelial cell proliferation over the anterior capsule thus reducing the incidence of anterior capsule opacification a theoretically limiting factor for the correct performance of the lens. The capsular bag was filled with OVD and the IOL was folded with forceps Fig. . The incision size was increased to mm for easy implantation some surgeons felt comfortable implanting the lens with a incision and the lens was delivered into the capsular bag in a single-step procedure. All the OVD needed to be removed with special attention to the space behind the posterior optic and the interface between the two optics. Typically no sutures were required. Ultrasound biomicroscopy showed the optics of the Synchrony IOL 3 months after implantation their relation to each other inside the capsular bag as well as to the adjacent intraocular structures Fig. a b c . At the Department of Ophthalmology Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Germany we conducted a prospective clinical study with 15 eyes 12 patients . All surgeries were performed by one surgeon . with no intraoperative complications. Both optics of the IOL were placed in the capsular bag uneventfully in all cases Fig. . With a minimum follow-up of 3 months no case of inter- Fig. . Scanning electron .