Khô mắt, bao gồm các triệu chứng liên quan, là điều kiện phổ biến nhất trình bày trong nhãn khoa thực hành. Nó được gây ra bởi sự thiếu hụt trong 1 của 3 lớp sáng tác bộ phim nước mắt. Khô mắt là một điều kiện có thể làm trầm trọng thêm bởi các điều kiện mí mắt đồng thời, môi trường khô hạn và gió, và kéo dài gần làm việc | 34 Chapter 5 OptT OphT OptA OphA OptA OphA CL Topical Lubricants Dry eye including its associated symptoms is the most common presenting condition in ophthalmic practice. It is caused by a deficiency in 1 of the 3 layers composing the tear film. Dry eye is a condition that can be exacerbated by concurrent eyelid conditions arid and windy environments and extended near work. It is more frequently found in the elderly it appears in women more than men and it is associated with a number of systemic and dermatologic conditions. Systemic medications including hormone replacement birth control pills steroids and diuretics may lead to this condition. Presenting symptoms include a gritty or sandy feeling burning and even paradoxical increased tearing. In any event the standard first-line treatment is the use of tear supplementing artificial tear drops and lubricating ointments. The artificial tears and related ointments are designed to mimic the tears substitute for the defective properties and stabilize the existing tear film. Due to their nature and makeup artificial tears and lubricating ointments are free of any adverse effects with the exception of transient blurring and preservative toxicity. Artificial tears and ointments should not be used with contact lenses in place. Only recommended rewetting and contact lens solutions should be used. _What the Patient Needs to Know__ Certain medications such as antihistamines birth control pills hormone replacement and diuretics increase dryness. If used more than 3 or 4 times daily nonpreserved tears are recommended. Temporary blurring may result after instillation of artificial tears especially with the thicker drops. If your eyes are dry avoid using drops that get the red out. These may make dryness worse. Dry eye is a chronic condition. Artificial tears should be used regularly and frequently if therapy is to be helpful. Tear drops should be used before the eyes start