Vệ sinh bàn tay xã hội rửa tay bàn tay ướt, rửa bằng xà bông Rửa sạch và khô hoàn toàn vệ sinh khử trùng Rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc chất tẩy rửa khử trùng 10-20 s hoặc chất chà tay có gốc rượu (3 ml cho 30 giây) phẫu thuật khử trùng Rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc chất tẩy rửa khử trùng cho 2phút hoặc chất chà tay có gốc rượu | Hand hygiene Social handwashing Wet hands wash with soap Rinse and dry thoroughly Hygienic hand disinfection Wash with antiseptic soap or detergent for 10-20 s or Alcohol hand rub 3 ml for 30 s Surgical hand disinfection Wash with antiseptic soap or detergent for 2 minutes or Alcohol hand rub two applications of 5 ml amounts allowing first to dry Routine duties and before eating Visible contamination with excretions secretions Before and after clinical contact with patients Before surgical procedures FIG Main hospital-acquired infections FIG Specialities with higher prevalence rates of hospital-acquired infections FIG Sources of hospital-acquired infection FIG Areas commonly missed by inadequate handwashing 95 M E D I C A L MICROBIOLOGY Sterilisation and disinfection Sterilisation and disinfection are routinely used in hospitals and laboratories to eliminate or control the presence of potentially pathogenic micro-organisms for the protection of patients and staff. The two procedures are distinct and should not be confused Sterilisation is the process by which all microorganisms are removed or killed. Disinfection is the process by which vegetative but not all micro-organisms are removed or killed. The choice of sterilisation or disinfection is dictated by the infection risk and may be defined as high intermediate or low Table . Physical cleaning with detergents sanitisers is often sufficient to remove microbes and organic material on which they thrive. It is also a prerequisite to effective sterilisation or disinfection. Sterilisation Sterilisation is used when the inactivation of all micro-organisms is an absolute requirement. This is achieved by physical chemical or mechanical means Table . Dry or moist heat are the most commonly used methods in hospitals and laboratories. Dry heat Dry heat is only suitable for items able to withstand temperatures of at least 160 C and is used to sterilise glassware and metal instruments. Complete .