Việc đánh giá trước phẫu thuật chụp ảnh phóng xạ cho những bệnh nhân này là tương tự như đối với bệnh nhân cần phẫu thuật cắt tổng, và bao gồm một CT của bụng để loại trừ bệnh di căn và để đánh giá sự tham gia nút có thể. Một khi bệnh di căn đã được loại trừ và các tổn thương chính có thể được cắt bỏ với một phẫu thuật cắt một phần | 94 Martin and Karpeh Fig. 4. Anastomotic leak demonstrated on gastrografin swallow following total gastrectomy. The preoperative radiographic evaluation for these patients is the same as for patients who require a total gastrectomy and consists of a CT of the abdomen to rule out metastatic disease and to evaluate the possible nodal involvement. Once metastatic disease has been ruled out and the primary lesion can be resected with a partial gastrectomy this is performed with a gastrojejunostomy reconstruction Fig. 7 . COMPLICATIONS The types of perioperative complications with a proximal gastrectomy or distal gastrectomy have several similarities and differences. The primary difference between the two types of partial gastrectomy distal vs proximal is the anastomotic leak rate. Patients who have undergone a proximal gastrectomy have a much higher leak rate compared with patients who have undergone a distal gastrectomy 1 and has been reported to be even higher than for a total gastrectomy. Proximal gastrectomy is reputedly associated with profound bile reflux. This is more related to the size of the gastric remnant than simply the operation. With a patulous gastric remnant and an anastomosis that sits in the abdomen much of the debilitating symptoms of bile reflux can be avoided. Other common complications are related to pulmonary dysfunction following a major abdominal surg llllSlStliaiVelSiOll Chapter 9 Gastric Tumors 95 Fig. 5. A proximal one-third gastric cancer. Fig. 6. A primary gastric cancer of the antrum. The long-term consequences of partial gastrectomy are related to impaired motility. Impaired motility can present with poor emptying of the Roux-en-Y limb which can lead to early satiety or emesis. This dysmcility can be treated with prokinetic agents such as Reglan or erythromycin wsmo S atc-r ca-the v ersy Apillats will improve 96 Martin and Karpeh Fig. 7. Reconstruction of a distal gastrectomy with a .