Cắt bỏ tuyến tụy là phương thức điều trị duy nhất cung cấp khả năng chữa khỏi bệnh ung thư tuyến tụy. Tuy nhiên, di căn xa, và bệnh địa phương tiên tiến chống chỉ định để cắt bỏ. Ngoài ra, cắt bỏ nên tránh ở những bệnh nhân có bệnh cấp tính hoặc mãn tính có thể làm cho nguy cơ của phẫu thuật và gây mê cấm | 238 Gaw and Andersen gests that the preservation of the duodenum and a small amount of the pancreatic head may have a profound benefit on the postoperative course of the patient. Alternative Treatments Pancreatic resection is the only treatment modality which offers the possibility for cure in pancreatic cancer. However distant metastases and advanced local disease are contraindications to resection. Also resection should be avoided in patients with acute or chronic diseases that may make the risk of surgery and anesthesia prohibitive. Tissue diagnosis may be obtained in these cases through percutaneous methods by ERCP or EUS. Biliary and duodenal obstruction may be treated with either surgical bypass or with endoscopically placed stents. In contrast chronic pancreatitis is primarily a medically managed disease. Surgery is indicated when medical treatment fails or when endoscopic methods are unsuccessful in the treatment of an obstructed pancreatic duct. Medical treatment of chronic pancreatitis includes pain management and patients are encouraged to abstain from alcohol. Not only does this remove the cause of chronic pancreatitis but alcohol is also a secretagog and can stimulate an already compromised organ. In order to avoid overstimulating the pancreas small meals containing low amounts of fat and protein are advised. To further rest the pancreas some have prescribed acid-suppressing agents pancreatic enzymes and octreotide a somatostatin analog. Although these measures make physiological sense they have not been definitively proven to be of benefit in the long-term treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Pain management includes analgesics as well as analgesia-enhancing drugs. NSAIDS and acetaminophen are first used. However narcotics are usually required for adequate pain control. Celiac plexus block is effective in pancreatic cancer but is not as effective in chronic pancreatitis because of the reluctance to use permanent neurolytic agents. Procedure-related .