Làm thế nào về việc nhận ra rằng bài thuyết trình PowerPoint bạn phát triển cho những người cấp thấp hơn? Bạn sẽ cung cấp cho họ một cái nhìn tổng quan Tính năng / Lợi ích của sản phẩm / dịch vụ của bạn và sau đó hỏi, "Vì vậy, bà Smith, | How to Begin and End Every Sales Call 89 you cross the Your Bridge use only you and we but never I unless you are paraphrasing in a WIIFM question. In this book we are asking you to go Intro-3-3-Summarize and Flip. In the real world you may go Intro-2-2- Summarize and Flip or Intro-2-3-Summarize and Flip. Of course you never want to go Intro-3-1-Summarize and Flip since that puts the attention on you and not on the prospect. Write your 30-second speech right now. Bad Example Hello Ms. Smith. My name is John Jones and I am the Western Region Business Development Manager for the ABC Company part of the XYZ family of Companies. We are the largest company in the world that provides services for the wholesale industry that we believe are best of have been in business for 22 years and we have over 200 customers. If this sounds interesting to you please call me back at 800-555-5555 and I can provide you with information about us that I am sure you will be interested in. Good Example Hello Ms. Smith. My name is John Jones and I am with the ABC Company. We are the largest company in the world that provides outsourcing services for the wholesale industry. We have been in business for 22 years and we have over 200 customers like the DEF and GHI Companies. Executives like yourself ask us all the time Is there a way to lower my overall cost of wholesale services Or How can I get my products to market faster using outside services Or they ask Are the risks of outsourcing finally low enough to consider outsourcing as a viable alternative in today s market These are questions we hear all the time and if they are of interest to you please call me back at 800-555-5555 and we can provide you with further information or answer any questions you may have. Figure 4-3. Good and bad examples of a 30-second speech 90 ProActive Selling The 30-second speech is the tool that gives you a process by which you communicate during the prospecting part of selling. It supplies you with the