kinh doanh phù hợp với, máy tính mới nhất, mới nhất. . . bạn sẽ có được điểm. Người mua hàng bắt đầu từ một ngày, thường là ngày thực hiện, và họ đi ngược từ đó. Dưới đây là một cuộc trò chuyện điển hình mà đi vào trong một công ty, với các cá nhân, | 164 ProActive Selling I thought we had this deal had done a good job and I felt very secure in the probability we had for this sale. Our benchmark part which both parties were required to do looked so much better than theirs. I had posters and pictures of our CAD CAM system in most of the engineers deal was ours for the taking. Finally the prospect company informed us they wanted to make a decision by the end of the wanted one vendor to present at 10 00 . on Friday one to present at 1 00 . and they would make a decision by 4 00 . I positioned us to go at 1 00 . and made sure we had a copy of an agenda that was approved by them. Basically we had it wired for us to win the business. Thursday afternoon I called the chief engineer to make sure there were no questions. I drove down to Akron to be at their facility to make sure there were no competitors lurking about. At 5 30 the chief engineer told me he was going home. I walked him to his car to make sure everything was going in our favor. In the parking lot on the way to his car he turned to me and asked me a question. Skip do you and your system do XYZ as well as all the other things you have shown us This was a great question. He was asking about a feature that we had but it had no relevance to him since he was a mold shop and would never need feature XYZ. It was a competitor s strength but I knew I could convince him he would be wasting his money on such a feature. Dave yes we have that feature but quite frankly you would never use it and here is why. I started in on my best sales pitch. You need to do business with a company that focuses its efforts on features that have relevance to you and what you need to do. Our company focuses on mold shops and has a great deal of understanding of the needs of companies like yours . blah blah blah. Dave agreed he would never need that XYZ feature. I handled that objection perfectly. The next day our competitor gave his presentation at