Nói chung là không hiệu quả như antiemetic một mình, nhưng cho sức mạnh phenothiazin, cũng có thể ngăn chặn các triệu chứng ngoại tháp (EPS) khi được sử dụng kết hợp với các phenothiazin. | Drug Compazine Supplied as Dose and route Special considerations see prochlorperazine maleate p. 320 Dimenhydrinate Tab 50 mg Dramamine Injection 50 mg mL 1 mL Class antihistamine antivertigo Diphenhydramine hydrochloride Elixir mg mL 5 10 120 mL Benadryl Class antihistamine Caps 25 50 mg Children 5 mg kg 24 h divided q6 h PO IV Max dose 300 mg d Adults 50 mg divided q6 h PO 50-100 mg divided q6 h IV Max dose 400 mg d Children 5 mg kg d divided q6-8 h pO IV SE drowsiness H A paradoxica vision tinnitus dry mouth dizzi anorexia urinary frequency Generally not effective alone as potentiate phenothiazines may a extrapyramidal symptoms EPS combination with phenothiazinei Injection 50 mg mL 1 10 mL Max dose 300 mg d Adults 25-50 mg q2-6 h PO IV Max dose 400 mg d SE sedation dizziness hypoteni excitement N V dry mucous me retention blurred vision palpitat Drug Supplied as Dose and route Special considerations Droperidol Injection mg mL 2 mL Children Neuroleptic malignant syndrome mg kg per dose IV q6 h of administration and can be lifehypotension tachycardia dyston oculogyric crisis anxiety hyper dizziness hallucinations chills bronchospasm Inapsine Adults As premedication mg 30 min Class anesthetic adjunct antiemetic prn mg kg per dose IV q6 h Max dose 10 mg d Hydroxyzine Injection 5 10 20 25 30 40 Children Should only be administered IV 50 75 100 mg because of risk of thrombosis an Vistaril 2-4 mg kg d divided q6-8 hPO Tab 25 50 100 mg 1 mg kg per dose divided q4-6 h IV Class antihistamine Adult 25-100 mg per SE Drowsiness dry mouth dizz sedative hypnotic dose q6 h PO IV weakness H A hypotension Metoclopramide hydrochloride Injection 5 mg mL 2 10 mL Children GI hypomotility PO IV SE diarrhea weakness restlesn rash insomnia dry mouth extra depression hypotension tachyc Syrup 1 mg mL mg kg per dose up to 4 times per d Reglan Tab 10 mg Max dose mg kg d Class parasymphatomimetics antiemetic Drug Supplied as Dose and route .