Các địa điểm cảng biển và sân bay phủ lên trên Ae (lịch sử). albopictus phân phối bản đồ (hình 1) và được phân loại là một trong hai bên trong hoặc bên ngoài phân phối. Những cảng biển / sân bay trong phạm vi phân phối nằm trên dendrogram có liên quan (hình 3). Chi nhánh dendrogram đây bao phủ ít nhất 90% các cảng biển | GLOBAL TRANSPORT NETWORKS 313 Figures 3a and b show the climatic dendrograms for the major seaports and airports respectively. The seaport and airport locations were overlaid on the historical Ae. albopictus distribution map Figure 1 and were classified as either inside or outside the distribution. Those seaports airports within the distribution were located on the relevant dendrogram Figure 3 . The dendrogram branch which encompassed at least 90 of the seaports airports was designated as defining the limits of the climatic envelope of Ae. albopictus . the range of climatic conditions within which it can survive. This allowed for the fact that Ae. albopictus has both temperate diapausing and tropical non-diapausing races with distinct environmental requirements and different original geographical distributions Hawley et al. 1987 . Thus the 90 cut-off on the seaports dendrogram Figure 3a encompassed a single branch but contained two major sub-branches with the remaining 10 of ports displaying quite distinct environments Mormugao New-Mangalore and Kuching . Ninety percent of airports within the pre-expansion distribution of Ae. albopictus can be encompassed in a single branch of the airport dendrogram Figure 3b but temperate and tropical races are again distinguishable within this branch. Those seaports airports not within its historical distribution but linked by a dendrogram branch within the climatic envelope were therefore identified as being similar enough climatically for there to be a risk of establishment . Risk Routes Given that ship aircraft volume on a transport route as well as climatic similarity between origin and destination port is important in determining invasion risk Lounibos 2002 Drake and Lodge 2004 Normile 2004 the transport and Euclidean climatic distance matrices were used to obtain a relative measure of importation and establishment risk to those seaports airports identified as being at-risk within the dendrogram. Each matrix was .