Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Trans-arterial chemo-embolization (TACE), with either lipiodol (traditional TACE) or drug-eluting microspheres (precision TACE, pTACE) in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: efficacy and safety results from a large mono-institutional analysis | Scartozzi et al. Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research 2010 29 164 http content 29 1 164 Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research RESEARCH Open Access Trans-arterial chemo-embolization TACE with either lipiodol traditional TACE or drug-eluting microspheres precision TACE pTACE in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma efficacy and safety results from a large mono-institutional analysis rtr 7 7i1 fli n 11 I i 1 i Roir f ii2 I I Rtỉ Ir tr ir j3 í Dr 7Ĩ3 Pii Ridrm D r ilr i4 K3 Diorsỉ ntrnni 1 IVIdllo Scdliozzl Gldnlucd SveglldLl Bdlonl Lucd rdloppl MdlZId DI Pletlo Pdolo Cllldld Pleldnionl Roberto Cdndeldll5 Rossdnd Beldldl1 Stefdnld Antognoli1 Clnzld Mlncdlelll5 Andled Rlsdlltl6 Cllstlnd Mdlmoldle7 Ettore Antico5 Antonio Benedetti2 Stefdno Cdscinu1 Abstract Mole ddtd dbout TACE dnd pTACE seem necessdly to bettel define the globdl tledtment strategy fol HCC. Aim of oul dndlysis wds to evdludte the lole of TACE elthel with lipiodol tlddltlondl ol dlug-eluting miclospheles in telms of response ldte RR time to progression TTP overall sulvivdl OS dnd toxicity in HCC. Pdtients with HCC undelgoing tldditiondl TACE ol pTACE eithel dlone ol in combindtion with othel tledtment options wele eligible One hundred dnd fifty pdtients wele dndlyzed. In the globdl pdtient populdtion medidn OS wds 46 months fol lipiodol TACE dnd 19 months fol pTACE p TTP wds 30 months velsus 16 months fol pdtients receiving TACE ol pTACE respectively p . These results were confilmed dlso dmong the gloup of pdtients who received exclusive TACE ol pTACE. Neithel RR nol toxicity wds different between TACE ol pTACE. At multivdlidte dndlysis dge the Okudd stdge type of TACE dnd numbel of TACE proved to be independent plog-nostic fdctols influencing oveldll sulvivdl. In oul expelience lipiodol TACE showed d bettel OS dnd TTP ovel pTACE without diffelence in toxicity plofile dnd RR. Among the stdging systems dndlyzed only the Okudd stdge seemed dble to .