Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Maintenance therapy in NSCLC: why? To whom? Which agent? | Novello et al. Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research 2011 30 50 http content 30 1 50 Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research REVIEW Open Access Maintenance therapy in NSCLC why To whom Which agent Ci i-s Mn ol Ir t 1M i hiO Io l i Ỉ lol 132 l l rr ol Ir t Ticor t3 c ii ICQHHQ RTỉnnTỉ4 r ior ir i mrl inm ic5 Pii K i ir t6 Silvia Noveiio Miciieie Miieiid Mdrceiio Tiseo Giuseppe Bdnnd Diego Coninovis Mdssimo DI Mdio Marina Gdrassino7 Pdoio Mdione8 Oigd Mdrteiii9 Tizidnd VdVdià1 and Emiiio Brid2 Abstract Mdintendnce therapy is emerging ds d tredtment strategy in the mdndgement of ddvdnced non smdii ceii iung cdncer NSCLC . Initidi tridis dddressing the question of duration of combindtion chemotherapy fdiied to show dny overdii survivdi benefit for the proionged ddministrdtion over d fixed number of cycies with dn incredsed risk for cumuidtive toxicity. Nowdddys severdi dgents with different wdys of ddministrdtion dnd d different pdttern of toxicity hdve been formdiiy investigdted in the mdintendnce setting. Mdintendnce strategies inciude continuing with dn dgent direddy present in the induction regimen or switching to d different one. Tdking into consideration thdt no compdrdtive tridis of mdintendnce with different chemotherapy drugs or tdrgeted dgents hdve been conducted the choice dnd the duration of mdintendnce dgents is idrgeiy empiricdi. Furthermore it is stiii unknown dnd it remdins dn open question if this dpprodch needs to be proposed to every pdtient in the cdse of pdrtidi compiete response or stdbie disedse dfter the induction therapy. Here we criticdiiy review dvdiidbie ddtd on mdintendnce tredtment discussing the possibiiity to tailor the right tredtment to the right pdtient in dn dttempt to optimize costs dnd benefits of dn ever-growing pdnei of different tredtment options. Introduction Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in USA and worldwide more than one million people die from this disease every year .