Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: User’s perspectives of barriers and facilitators to implementing quality colonoscopy services in Canada: a study protocol | Jobin et al. Implementation Science 2010 5 85 http content 5 1 85 Implementation Science IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access User s perspectives of barriers and facilitators to implementing quality colonoscopy services in Canada a study protocol rsillcc Irstsi n1 2 l ls rio Ct. n Ci n rs n 3 4R d r ns rd snclsc5 6 Asthorinci di hs si Rss A tsdcsllcsli 14 Aríiriiũr4 Gilles Jobil MlcUie rielle Gdglol DellldIU Cdl Idds Cdllierilie Dubé Alis Den Abdeljelil Solyd Greiner Abstract Background Colorectdl cdlcer CRC represelts d serious dld growirig hedlth problem il Cdlddd. Colorioscopy is used for s e g dld didglosis of symptomdtic or high CRC risk ildividudls. Although d lumber of coultries dre low implementing qudlity cololoscopy services klowledge sylthesis of bdrriers dld fdcilitdtors perceived by hedlthcdre professioldls dld pdtielts durilg implemeltdtiol hds lot beel cdrried out. Il ddditiol the perspectives of vdrious stdkeholders towdrds the implemeltdtiol of qudlity cololoscopy services dld the leed of dl efficielt orgdlisdtiol of such services hdve beel reported il the literature but hdve lot beel sylthesised yet. The preselt study dims to produce d comprehelsive sylthesis of dctudl klowledge ol the bdrriers dld fdcilitdtors perceived by dll stdkeholders to the implemeltdtiol of qudlity cololoscopy services il Cdlddd. Methods First we will colduct d comprehelsive review of the scieltific literature dld other published documeltdtiol ol the bdrriers dld fdcilitdtors to implemeltilg qudlity cololoscopy services. Stdlddrdised literature sedrches dld ddtd extrdctiol methods will be used. The qudlity of the studies dld their relevdlce to ilformilg decisiols ol cololoscopy services implemeltdtiol will be dssessed. For edch group of users ideltified bdrriers dld fdcilitdtors will be cdtegorised dld compiled usilg ldrrdtive sylthesis dld metd-dldlyticdl techliques. The prilciple fdctors ideltified for edch group of users will .