Quá trình nêu dưới đây sẽ phục vụ như một hướng dẫn cho các cơ quan, nhưng có thể được thích nghi với nhu cầu cá nhân. Đề xuấtLàm quenXác định mục tiêu Xác định các tiêu chuẩn Xác định yếu tố chính Xác định rủi ro Đánh giá rủi ro rủi ro | 4 Risk Management Process The objective of Risk Management is to identify and analyse risks and manage their consequences. Risk Management involves several key steps that have general application and can be applied at various stages of the asset cycle. The process outlined below should serve as a guide to agencies but can be adapted to individual needs. Proposal Familiarisation Proposal Familiarisation Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Response Planning Response Planning Reporting Reporting Implementing Implementing Define objectives Identify criteria Define key elements dentify risks Assess risks Rank risks Screen minor risks Identify responses Select best responses Develop action management Collate schedules management measures Effect schedules management or Write risk Management Plan measures or Plan Monitor Review evaluate The process of Risk Management should commence at the strategic planning stage of a proposed project. The steps in the process are Proposal familiarisation Define proposal project scope and objectives Identify criteria for assessing the proposal or project Define the key elements and issues Risk analysis Identify all risks that might impact on the proposal or project Assess the potential likelihood and consequences of each risk Screen risks to discard the minor risks having low impacts and low likelihood of occurrence Identify moderate and major risks that require management attention Risk response planning Identify the feasible responses to moderate and major risks. Risk responses will include risk prevention impact mitigation risk transfer risk acceptance select the best response Develop risk action schedules for major risks Develop management measures for moderate risks Reporting For major undertakings prepare a Risk Management Plan For other projects compile and collate risk action schedules and measures TAM - Risk Management Guideline 9 Risk Management implementation Implement the action schedules and management measures Monitor the .