CAD/CAM/CNC ĐH CN | Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing Chapter 3 CAD Systems CAD Systems A CAD system consists of three major parts: Hardware: computer and input/output devices. Operating system software. Application software: CAD package. Ï 1. Giao tieáp vôùi CPU 2. Taïo hình aûnh ñoà hoïa roõ raøng treân maøn hình cho ngöôøi duøng. 3. Ñaûm baûo moâ taû hình aûnh ôû daïng soá 4. Truyeàn leänh cho maùy tính hoaït ñoäng 5. Cho pheùp giao tieáp deã daøng giöõa ngöôøi vaø heä thoáng CAÙC NHIEÄM VUÏ CUÛA CAD SYSTEM Application software Graphics utility Devices drivers Input-output devices User interface Database (CAD model) Basic structure of a CAD system The application software is at the top level and is used to manipulate the CAD model database. The graphics utility system performs the coordinate transformation, windowing, and display control. Devices drivers are used to translate the data into and out of the specific format used by each device , they also control the devices. The | Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing Chapter 3 CAD Systems CAD Systems A CAD system consists of three major parts: Hardware: computer and input/output devices. Operating system software. Application software: CAD package. Ï 1. Giao tieáp vôùi CPU 2. Taïo hình aûnh ñoà hoïa roõ raøng treân maøn hình cho ngöôøi duøng. 3. Ñaûm baûo moâ taû hình aûnh ôû daïng soá 4. Truyeàn leänh cho maùy tính hoaït ñoäng 5. Cho pheùp giao tieáp deã daøng giöõa ngöôøi vaø heä thoáng CAÙC NHIEÄM VUÏ CUÛA CAD SYSTEM Application software Graphics utility Devices drivers Input-output devices User interface Database (CAD model) Basic structure of a CAD system The application software is at the top level and is used to manipulate the CAD model database. The graphics utility system performs the coordinate transformation, windowing, and display control. Devices drivers are used to translate the data into and out of the specific format used by each device , they also control the devices. The operating system is run in background to coordinate the entire operations. User interface links the human and the system. CAD hardware There are two major types of hardware used in a CAD: Computer . Input/output devices. Keyboard Keypad Digitizer Trackball Joystick Tablet Mouse Printer Plotter Disk Tape Computer output microfilm CRT display with light pen Computer Input Output I/O devices of a CAD system . MAØN HÌNH ÑOÀ HOAÏ (GRAPHIC DISPLAY) Laø maøn hình söû duïng roäng raõi nhaát Laø moät chai thuyû tinh chaân khoâng Coù phaàn töû nung noùng Caùc ñieän töû bò loâi cuoán vaøo xi lanh hoäi tuï Anode Coù caùc taám phaûn xaï naèm ngang vaø thaúng ñöùng Chuøm tia ñaäp leân maøng phoát pho ôû tröôc oáng . 1. CRT Sô ñoà oáng phoùng tia Cathode (CRT) . 1. CRT Sô ñoà oáng phoùng tia Cathode (CRT) . 1. CRT Moät cathode ñaõ ñöôïc nung noùng phoùng ra moät chuøm electron vôùi toác ñoä cao leân maøn hình thuûy tinh ñöôïc traùng moät lôùp phosphor. Caùc ñieän töû naïp naêng löôïng