X quang bụng 36 kiểm tra bụng, đau bụng cấp tính 36 bụng bảo vệ 40 đặc điểm quần chúng bụng 23 thượng vị 4 phải chậu hố 4, 40, 41 đau bụng 2, 22 -23 cấp 36-41 cấp bụng 22 mật / túi mật bệnh 22 mạn tính 24-35 lâm sàng các tính năng 22, 23 nguyên nhân phổ biến 23 kiểm tra | INDEX 111 INDEX Ạ . _ AA amyloid liver infiltration 87 abdomen auscultation 36 examination 4-5 X-ray see radiology abdominal bruits 36 abdominal examination acute abdominal pain 36 abdominal guarding 40 abdominal masses characteristics 23 epigastrium 4 right iliac fossa 4 40 41 abdominal pain 2 22-23 acute 36-41 acute abdomen 22 biliary gallbladder disease 22 chronic 24-35 clinical features 22. 23 common causes 23 examination 22 history-taking 22 36 intestinal obstruction 22 investigations 22-23 irritable bowel syndrome IBS 32 non-ulcer dyspepsia NUD 24-25 peptic ulcer 22 right iliac fossa 40 abdominal tenderness 23 abscess Crohn s disease 54 55 hepatic 97 pericolic 41 peri-rectal 54 acetaldehyde 80 acetaminophen see paracetamol acetaminophen acetylcysteine 99 100 101 achalasia 10 14 15 acid reflux gastritis 24 peptic stricture 14-15 pH monitoring 9 19 protection from 20 reflux-like dyspepsia 24 see also gastro-oesophageal reflux disease GORD acid suppression therapy 14-15 17 duodenal ulcers 26 27 acute abdomen pain 22 acute fatty liver of pregnancy 106 acyclovir 17 adenocarcinoma AC Barrett s oesophagus and 12 14 gastric 28 29 H. pylori and 25 oesophageal 12 adenoma hepatic 97 101 adenoma-carcinoma sequence 71 adenomatous polyposis coli APC gene 73 adenomatous polyps 71 73 adenoviruses enteric 57 aerophagia 18 afferent loop syndrome 29 aganglionosis 64 alanine aminotransferase ALT 78 albumin synthesis 79 alcohol content of beverages 80 history-taking 36 76 metabolism 81 safe drinking recommendations 80-81 units 80 withdrawal management 82-83 alcohol abuse 76 blood test result patterns 81 CAGE questionnaire 80 chronic pancreatitis 34 diarrhoea 61 effects 80 Mallory-Weiss tears 66 67 management 82-83 pancreatitis acute 38 alcoholic hepatitis 82 83 alcoholic liver disease 80-83 alcoholic hepatitis 82 83 aminotransferases 78 clinical features 81 fatty liver 82 fibrosis cirrhosis 82 83 history taking 81 investigations 81 liver histology 82 pathophysiology 81 .