Bệnh nhân nhập viện phẫu thuật. Lưu ý: Tất cả trung bình Kỳ "là mức trung bình của tất cả các quốc gia đáp ứng (52 trong trường hợp này, bao gồm District of Columbia và Puerto Rico), mà là một con số riêng biệt từ mức trung bình quốc gia. | Patient Safety Figure . State variation Appropriate timing of antibiotics received by adult patients having surgery 2005 PR Above average Average Below average Source Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services Quality Improvement Organization Program 2005. Key Above average appropriate timing of prophylactic antibiotics is significantly above the all States average in 2005. Below average appropriate timing of prophylactic antibiotics is significantly below the all States average in 2005. Denominator Hospitalized patients having surgery. Note All States average is the average of all responding States 52 in this case including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico which is a separate figure from the national average. Variation was seen among States in the overall timing of prophylactic antibiotics Figure . In 2005 the all States average was and ranged from to . Twenty-six States were significantly above the all States average in 2005 with a combined average rate of . Twenty States were significantly below the all States average in 2005 with a combined average rate of . The States were Connecticut Delaware Illinois Iowa Kentucky Maine Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Montana Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming. The States were Alaska Arizona Arkansas California District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Nevada New York Ohio Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Texas and Utah. 100 National Healthcare Quality Report o i m in w Other Complications of Hospital Care Besides surgery other types of care delivered in hospitals can place patients at risk for injury or death. Adverse events associated with central venous catheters. Patients who require a central venous catheter to be inserted into the great vessels leading to the heart tend to be severely ill. However the