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Báo cáo khoa học: "Gas-permeable ethylene bags for the small scale cultivation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 and other viruses in embryonated chicken eggs"

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Gas-permeable ethylene bags for the small scale cultivation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 and other viruses in embryonated chicken eggs | Hamilton et al. Virology Journal 2010 7 23 http www.virologyj.eom content 7 1 23 VIROLOGY JOURNAL METHODOLOGY Open Access Gas-permeable ethylene bags for the small scale cultivation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 and other viruses in embryonated chicken eggs 1 112 1 1 Sara B Hamilton Deirdre E Daniels William A Sosna Eric R Jeppesen Julie M Owells Micah D Halpern Kimberly S McCurdy 1 Jonathan O Rayner1 John A Lednicky1 Abstract Background Embryonated chicken eggs ECE are sometimes used for the primary isolation or passage of influenza viruses other viruses and certain bacteria. For small-scale experiments with pathogens that must be studied in biosafety level three BSL3 facilities inoculated ECE are sometimes manipulated and maintained in small egg incubators within a biosafety cabinet BSC . To simplify the clean up and decontamination of an egg incubator in case of egg breakage we explored whether ethylene breather bags could be used to encase ECE inoculated with pathogens. This concept was tested by determining embryo survival and examining virus yields in bagged ECE. Results Virus yields acceptable for many applications were attained when influenza- alpha- flavi- canine distemper- and mousepox viruses were propagated in ECE sealed within ethylene breather bags. Conclusions For many small-scale applications ethylene breather bags can be used to encase ECE inoculated with various viruses. Background Embryonated embryonating chicken eggs ECE have long been used for isolating or propagating influenza and other viruses and certain bacteria such as Rickettsia 1-5 . Alpha- corona- flavi- paramyxo- and poxviruses are among the non-influenza viruses sometimes grown in ECE. For small-scale work with pathogens that must be worked with in BSL3 facilities inoculated ECE are sometimes housed in small egg incubators kept within a BSC such a practice is not practical for medium-to-large diagnostic operations wherein ECE are placed in incubators within a bioBubble Ft.

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