Trong Sec. 4,4 nó đã được thể hiện như thế nào dòng chảy tầng thông qua các phương tiện truyền thông xốp có thể được đại diện bởi một mô hình của dòng chảy thông qua các mao mạch. Sau đó, tốc độ dòng chảy trung bình trên mỗi đơn vị diện tích, cụ thể là việc xả cụ thể, là tỷ lệ thuận với độ dốc thủy lực. Vì vậy, mặc dù dòng chảy về cơ bản là thành lớp, nó có thể được mô hình hóa và mô phỏng bằng phương pháp áp dụng cho các dòng inviscid,. | 11 Groundwater Flow and Quality Modeling INTRODUCTION In Sec. it was shown how laminar flow through porous media can be represented by a model of flow through small capillaries. Then the average flow rate per unit area namely the specific discharge is proportional to the hydraulic gradient. Therefore though the flow is basically laminar it can be modeled and simulated by methods applied to inviscid flows where the specific discharge originates from a potential function. In the present chapter we explore some further applications of fluid mechanics principles with regard to groundwater flow its contamination and its preservation. Groundwater is always associated with the concept of an aquifer. An aquifer comprises a layer of soil that may store and convey groundwater. Therefore an aquifer is a layer of soil whose effective porosity and permeability or hydraulic conductivity are comparatively high. There are various types of aquifers as illustrated in Fig. 1 the confined aquifer 2 the phreatic aquifer and 3 the leaky aquifer. It should be noted that in addition to this classification there are other properties of aquifers that are of interest such as the presence and effects of fractures etc. However regarding the aquifers shown in Fig. a confined aquifer is an aquifer whose top and bottom consist of impermeable layers. A phreatic aquifer has an impermeable bottom and a free surface and a leaky aquifer is an aquifer whose boundaries are leaky . there is flow across its boundaries. Figure shows a leaky phreatic aquifer for example. Considering length scales of aquifer flows the thickness of the aquifer is usually quite small of the order of several tens of meters whereas the horizontal extent is of the order of kilometers. Therefore it can be assumed that in many cases the groundwater flow is approximately in the horizontal direction. Such an assumption leads to the Dupuit approximation introduced Copyright 2001 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All .